Four faculty members will join the TSH leadership team; each will receive a $1000 research fund to participate in this working group during the 2023-2024 academic year.
With the objective of establishing a graduate-level Translation Studies Certificate, the UW Translation Studies Hub (TSH) is thrilled to announce a 2023-2024 grant for faculty participation in the working group tasked with the development of a Translation Studies Proseminar. This working group will spend the academic year designing a series of interlinked graduate-level syllabi, which will make the regular teaching of the Translation Studies Proseminar possible on an annual basis through the rotation of host departments and teaching faculty. The proseminar, in turn, will become the key building block of the Translation Studies Certificate, open to interested graduate students from any department, to be established in the coming years.
Led by Rich Watts (French & Italian Studies), four faculty members will join the TSH leadership team; each will receive a $1000 research fund to participate in this working group during the 2023-2024 academic year.
This call enthusiastically encourages all colleagues in the humanities and humanistic social sciences interested in participating in the Translation Studies Proseminar Working Group to send us a brief letter of interest by September 15, 2023.
In your letter of interest, please address all of the following:
1) Scholarly and pedagogical interest and experience in translation and translation studies;
2) Commitment to DEI work as it connects to the theory, practice, and teaching of translation;
3) Home department's interest in offering a graduate-level Translation Studies Proseminar open to graduate students from any UW department, on a rotating basis with other departments, approximately once every 5 years (so, report in your application on the discussion with your department chair of your plans to apply);
4) Commitment to 2 meetings per quarter in AY 23-24 (lunch will be provided); occasional remote participation could be accommodated but is not preferred.
September 15, 2023, by 5:00 pm.
How to Apply
Please email your letter of interest to Sasha Senderovich (senderov@uw.edu), Nancy Bou Ayash (nbayash@uw.edu), and Aria Fani (ariafani@uw.edu).
About the Translation Studies Hub (2023-2024)
Throughout the academic year 2023-24, The Translation Studies Hub is planning a series of activities on "Solidifying Translation Studies Curriculum and Laying the Groundwork for Certificate in Translation Studies." As in 2022-2023, the TSH will be co-led in 2023-2024 by Nancy Bou Ayash (English), Aria Fani (Middle Eastern Languages & Cultures), and Sasha Senderovich (Slavic Languages & Literatures and The Jackson School of International Studies).
Image: "Unterwegs / On the Way" by Ella Ponizovsky Bergelson (2019, wall paint on concrete, Neukölln, Berlin). Part of a series of wall-writings created by Ella Ponizovsky Bergelson in 2018 and 2019 in many public places in Berlin. The multilingual text reads in German: 'Immer noch unterwegs', in Yiddish: 'נאך אונטערוועגן', and in Arabic: 'مازلت في الطريق', which translates into English: 'still on the way'. Read about the artist’s process.